MDL Newsletter - June 2023

Website Updates: Media Folders

We have made improvements to the Media page! Aside from the new infinite scroll layout of page, improved sorting, and responsiveness, folders can now be created to organize your Media. Multiple media can be selected and moved between folders. Holding Shift and clicking two Media/Folder cards will select all cards between the two.

The MDL folder structure

The Folder structure you create will be reflected in the sidebar Library making it easier to find the Media you created.

Improved Image Accessibility

To improve the experience of viewing MDL through screen readers we have created a way for Museums to add image descriptions to Image Media. Once provided this image description will automatically be used as alternative text for this image site wide.

Image descriptions can only be created for Image Media. Other media types supported on MDL (YouTube, Vimeo, SketchFab, and SoundCloud) utilize accessibility features provided by their respective platforms. For example, YouTube and Vimeo allow you to add transcripts to videos.

The Media Details modal window where you can add an image description An image without a description will have a red dot in the lower right corner

If an Image Media lacks an image description its card will display a red dot in the lower right corner. This allows you to see at a glance which media needs addressing. While, at this time, adding image descriptions to Image Media is not required, it is highly encouraged.

If you are unfamiliar with best practices for creating image alt text, you can learn more at WebAIM.

MDL Monthly Info Sesssions

Each month we offer two MDL Info Sessions! For these info sessions, we go over the basics of the back end of the MDL platform for museum professionals to feel equipped to get started. These info sessions are great for; new museums to the MDL platform, new team members from your museum who are a part of digital learning in any capacity, or a good place to ask questions and get a refresher on creating content!

Use the Google Form to sign up for a time. You will then recieve a Google Meet invite for the meeting time. Can’t make it to one of the sessions? Use the Google Form to indicate that you are interested in scheduling a 1:1 session with our Digital Learning Manager. You can even schedule a meeting for a team of museum professionals who are all supporting your digital learning initiatives and come ready to learn together!

View the Google Analytics Dashboard

View our most updated analytics report here: Museums for Digital Learning Analytics Report

The MDL Google Analytics Dashboard

Welcome Our Newest Content Partners

In Case You Missed It

IMLS Grants

Funding Opportunity though IMLS, plan ahead for November 2023! Do you need financial resources to support your participation in Museums for Digital Learning? IMLS welcomes proposals for digitization of collections, development of Resources Kits and Activities, staffing, and other activities related to MDL participation. The FY24 deadline is November 15, 2023 and Notices of Funding Opportunity will be posted on the IMLS Website in early August 2023. Check out these two grant programs that are well suited to support Museums for Digital Learning involvement:

Media Toolkit

History Colorado’s marketing team has developed a media toolkit for use by our museum content partners. In it, you will find ready to use text for use on your museum website, social media, or community newsletters. We have also included teacher FAQs, marketing materials, links to promotional videos, visual media, and teacher testimonials. Feel free to use any of these resources to advertise MDL to your teacher network as you continue to add content to the platform. View the Media Toolkit here: Museums for Digital Learning Media Toolkit

MDL Newsletter - January 2022

MDL is continuing with the support ...

MDL Newsletter - December 2023

Website Updates: Object Folders ...

Getting Started
Adding Content
Resource Kits
Object Library